We have an application that requires word documents sent by members to be read into the FCKeditor for editing and then saving. Currently the only success we have had is by cutting and pasting the word document and then saving as text. We have been asked if we can load the documents directly into the FCKeditor and then save the document with it's attributes intact. For instance if someone sends a document with a table and different fonts they would like to keep this format after the document is saved. Is this possible and how would we do this?
Fri, 07/17/2009 - 12:23
Re: Loading Word Documents into FCKeditor
Re: Loading Word Documents into FCKeditor
In IE it can be done, using ActiveX, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1269447&group_id=75348&atid=737639
Re: Loading Word Documents into FCKeditor