Sorry for my english.
I found a little bug in fckeditor.asp whit the FireFox browser.
The line 130
iVersion = CInt(Mid(sAgent, InStr(sAgent, "Gecko/") + 7, 8))
have to changed with
iVersion = Mid(sAgent, InStr(sAgent, "Gecko/") + 6, 8)
Two little error.
1) CInt can't trasform in a integer a value higer then 32767 and the value of versione is higer than 20030210
2) In the Mid function you have to start to read the versione at +6 and not at +7
Bye! visuddhi
Fri, 12/17/2004 - 02:45
RE: Little Bug in fckeditor.asp
I had change the CInt in CLng but that did not work. So I started a search overhere.
Thanks Visuddhi for the good work.