When using the Image Properties dialog and browsing the server for images, the images are located in the proper directory and can be selected. In the following example I selected "JeffRobinson.jpg".
The images don't, however, show up in the preview window... they show as a broken image.
If I ignore this fact, and accept the image anyway, the image shows up in my page and, when saved, properly shows up on the final page.
The directory structure looks like this:
My application launches a window with the fckeditor allowing the user to edit partial pages stored in the UserPages folder. The images that they upload are being stored in the userfiles/images folder. These partial pages then are included into the main pages that are displayed from the root HandH folder.
Again, the location of the folders and my config settings seem to work for uploading the images into the correct directory and then getting them to become encoded and displayed properly in the final page. What isn't working is the 'preview' of the image in the Image Properties dialog. Where is 'it' getting its paths from and why is it different that the other two scenarios (e.g. browsing the server for images and the final saved document paths)
Parties interested in helping can be given access to see the effect first-hand.
Thanks in advance.
EdWeber { ~ a t ~ } weberenterprises { ~ d o t ~ } com
Tue, 10/13/2009 - 02:02
Re: Images not showing up in preview of Image Properties dialog
Simple solution;
Configure your config.php file;
Open file root\FCKeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\config.php
Create dir in '/FCKeditor/uploadfiles/
Copy and paste code in your config.php :