I want to upload my files to a global share path. Currently i dont see any files when i clike browseserver button from image insert popup.
Can anybody help me in setting the configuaration for custom server path
Can anybody help me in setting the configuaration for custom server path
Re: Image upload - Custom server path
Re: Image upload - Custom server path
Re: Image upload - Custom server path
okey, so say suppose the image path location is "D:\graphics". This will be the value of 'serverpath'. Then the UserFilesPath will take the path relative to "D:\graphics", which has to be entered in the url form - "http://<your website address>"/<the virtual directory that is set to D:\graphics>.
Re: Image upload - Custom server path
I've been following your discussion and have a follow up question I'm hoping you can help with. What if you want to pass in a custom folder path that would vary by user. To elaborate, we have a content management system where the editors have their own content folders.
For example: e:\inetpub\wwwroot\sites\education\images\
So when the editor for that area utilizes FCKeditor to upload images, I would want it to point to their folder, not a single global folder.
Can this be done?
Thanks in advance!