Hi everyone,
When I click to browse server, a window appears with following message. has anyone went throught this error. Would be great to get help, how to fix this?
Error 500: Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The problem is on the server side, not with your browser or the address. Most probably, a certain service (e.g., Tomcat engine) is down. Please contact your webmaster.
When I click to browse server, a window appears with following message. has anyone went throught this error. Would be great to get help, how to fix this?
Error 500: Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The problem is on the server side, not with your browser or the address. Most probably, a certain service (e.g., Tomcat engine) is down. Please contact your webmaster.
Re: Image Uploading
I have the same kind of errors. Did you enable the upload config ? If not, you should set the value to true. If you still have the problems, you should look for your permission on you server. If you can't read your directory on the server, it can't work.
On 3 installations, I could make it work 3 times, but right now I have the problem on one of my two application on my workstation. I gave all the right to write and read. I don<t understand because it was working fine before.
Re: Image Uploading