I have a problem, i can not upload an image...
My firebug says:
this.DOMDocument has no properties
[Break on this error] var xPathResult = this.DOMDocument.evaluate( xpath, this.DOMDocument,
fckxml.js (line 108)
The complete function from the fckxml.js
Whats wrong?
How can I fix this?
I have a problem, i can not upload an image...
My firebug says:
this.DOMDocument has no properties
[Break on this error] var xPathResult = this.DOMDocument.evaluate( xpath, this.DOMDocument,
fckxml.js (line 108)
The complete function from the fckxml.js
FCKXml.prototype.SelectSingleNode = function( xpath ) { if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0 ) // IE return this.DOMDocument.selectSingleNode( xpath ) ; else // Gecko { var xPathResult = this.DOMDocument.evaluate( xpath, this.DOMDocument, this.DOMDocument.createNSResolver(this.DOMDocument.documentElement), 9, null); if ( xPathResult && xPathResult.singleNodeValue ) return xPathResult.singleNodeValue ; else return null ; }
Whats wrong?
How can I fix this?
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
Have you properly configured the connector and used the test pages?
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
I`m using version 2.3.2...
I don`t have configured the connector.....What I have to do? (oops)
Do you have a link for me?
When I call the test.html to upload a file, I download ths connector.asp?!
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
Read the documentation and change the settings so it matches properly your server configuration.
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
THX for your answer.
I get the same error with version 2.4.3
I don`t know how to configure the connectors. With my english I don`t understand the doku...
I founded "Configure Connectors"....yes, but what i have to do? Can you give me one more hint plz?
My next problem is, that the Links doesn`t work....
The error:
aLinks has no properties
[Break on this error] var aHasSelection = ( aLinks.length > 0 ) ;
fck_link.js (line 509
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
now i have change in the fckconfig.js
and in the config.php
the folder Userfiles exists...
But it doesn`t work.....
I have for testing here the apache....
Now, what I have to do next?
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOMDocument has no properties
When I use the test.html an click on upload, i only can choose to download the connector.php...but no upload
When I use the test.html from the upload folder and click on upload, i can choose to download the upload.php....but also nothing happen
Now I have read the doku 3 times and I dont kwnow what to do...
When I test the image upload in the sample.html I get a xml Request error (0)....
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
Firebug says:
GET .../filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/connector.asp?Command=GetFol........
IE 7.0
Why have I different connectors? Firefox take connector.asp and IE takes connector.php.....
Why takes FF .asp?
I choose php in the fckconfig.js!
Slowly I understand nothing more.....
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
THX THX alfonso
Now the image upload works in FF too.
But I can`t see the images I have uploaded....I only see that there is an image symbol.....
Sourcecode: <img alt="" src="/UserFiles/Image/ajax.jpg" />....why I don´t see it....
Do you now whats wrong?
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
Now forget about FCKeditor, there's a file in your server, just find out the proper url to access it and check what's different.
Then apply those changes in your connector.
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
Thx for your answer...
Now it works..........I see my images....
$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/UserFiles/' ;
I had to move the folder from ...htdocs/temp0/UserFiles to .....htdocs/UserFiles
Special Thx alfonso:)
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)
So if fckeditor is installed in /fckeditor where is the document root?
Re: Image Upload -> this.DOM.... -> XML Request error (0)