I have a little, but frustrating problem under IE. When I load the page, fckeditor gets focus and the page scroll down...
I search the forum, but can't get the perfect solution for this error.
In the config file I made this change:
FCKConfig.StartupFocus = false;
Can anybody help me?
I have a little, but frustrating problem under IE. When I load the page, fckeditor gets focus and the page scroll down...
I search the forum, but can't get the perfect solution for this error.
In the config file I made this change:
FCKConfig.StartupFocus = false;
Can anybody help me?
Re: IE startup focus problem
Re: IE startup focus problem
Re: IE startup focus problem
Not really a good solution but IF oldnotes = "" THEN fckEditor.value = " " ELSE fckEditor.value = oldnotes. It will put "<p> </p>" which is displayed as a space in then editor. It doesn't automatically steal focus at this point. Also, I have a seperate html cleaner that will get rid of the blank paragraphs upon submission.
Re: IE startup focus problem
I'm also running into the same problem as described but workarounds don't work for me. I've looked through the forums and looks like this may be an ongoing problem that hasn't been fully resolved.
I'm running IE7 and startup up the editor with Javascript. The editor is at the bottom of the page but the link to the page with the editor is an anchor at the top of the page. The editor will grab focus and either move the page to the bottom which is not what I want or it will sometimes go to the anchor at the top and display an editing cursor at the anchor location. I can then type on the page which looks really silly and definitely not what I want.
Like the rest, works great in Firefox and trying to set the editor's value on creation doesn't seem to work for me in Javascript. It still steals the focus and I don't get any default value.
Here are related links on the forum where the problems I described are also encountered by others:
This describes a workaround using Javascript but I am using ReplaceTextArea mode so I don't want to rely on Javascript being enabled.
This seems to describe the weird behavior of having a cursor showing up ouside the editor as I described:
Another one where someone is able to modify the page because of this bug. Their workaround is disable the toolbar, but on my page you can actually enter text, not just use the toolbar.
So this seems to be a problem encountered by a bunch of us in IE, hopefully someone can shed some light on this and if a fix is coming soon?
Re: IE startup focus problem
I did figure out what my problem was with one of the workarounds. Since I'm using ReplaceTextArea() instead of Create() I had to put the default value in the actual textarea and not use editor.Value = " " which is what I was trying to do. Now the problem is of course a leading space in the editor. I suppose I can delete it when the user clicks in the editor containing only that space. I hope one of the devs can respond to this thread and shed some light on when this might be fixed.
Re: IE startup focus problem
Re: IE startup focus problem
This has been fixed in FCKeditor 2.5 upwards, so the issue is already solved. The problem comes from the fact that IE allows only one selection in a browser window, despite the fact that the browser window might contain multiple iframes. Even worse, querying for the selection object by document.selection can get you a selection object that does not belong to the document in question, but in the same window. Therefore you'll find FCKeditor 2.4 modifying selections outside of the editing iframe since we didn't check for the selection's document back then.
There should be no easy workaround for 2.4 on this issue AFAIK, but then someone might have come up with a really smart idea to work around that.
Re: IE startup focus problem
Re: IE startup focus problem