I juste want to give tricks about problems i figured out
If you want to have style and margin + height + width instead of vspace and hspace which are depreciated
You just have to edit the "fck_image.js" and modify the "function UpdateImage( e, skipId )"
get the values
put only one line ( for IE and another for firefox )
thats it
If you edit fckeditor js files pass attention to clean your cache for every change
I juste want to give tricks about problems i figured out
If you want to have style and margin + height + width instead of vspace and hspace which are depreciated
You just have to edit the "fck_image.js" and modify the "function UpdateImage( e, skipId )"
SetAttribute( e, "_fcksavedurl", GetE('txtUrl').value ) ; SetAttribute( e, "alt" , GetE('txtAlt').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "width" , GetE('txtWidth').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "height", GetE('txtHeight').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "vspace", GetE('txtVSpace').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "hspace", GetE('txtHSpace').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "border", GetE('txtBorder').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, "align" , GetE('cmbAlign').value ) ;
get the values
var txtvspace = GetE('txtVSpace').value; var txthspace = GetE('txtHSpace').value; var txtwidth = GetE('txtWidth').value; var txtheight = GetE('txtHeight').value; var txtborder = GetE('txtBorder').value; var txtfloat = GetE('cmbAlign').value;
put only one line ( for IE and another for firefox )
if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { e.className = GetE('txtAttClasses').value ; //e.style.cssText = GetE('txtAttStyle').value ; e.style.setAttribute("cssText", "margin:"+txtvspace+"px "+txthspace+"px "+txtvspace+"px "+txthspace+"px;height:"+txtheight+"px;width:"+txtwidth+"px;float:"+txtfloat+";"); } else { SetAttribute( e, 'class' , GetE('txtAttClasses').value ) ; //SetAttribute( e, 'style', GetE('txtAttStyle').value ) ; SetAttribute( e, 'style', "margin:"+txtvspace+"px "+txthspace+"px "+txtvspace+"px "+txthspace+"px;height:"+txtheight+"px;width:"+txtwidth+"px;float:"+txtfloat+";") ; }
thats it
If you edit fckeditor js files pass attention to clean your cache for every change
Re: How to make image positionning css valide
there's only one last question for me:
image-tags are now equipped with css-style-margin-attributes instead of v- and hspace...ok
BUT, if i then use the context-menu to edit image-properties, margin and align-data are not loaded into the input fields in the image-properties-window.
i have no clue what i have to edit in fck_image.js to resolve the problem, maybe you (anybody else here) had the same problem and were/was able to solve it.
thx in advance!