I tested the latest version using FF today, on fckeditor.net site....
Inserted a flash and found that it only inset the EMBED part.
Does anybody know what I have to do to make it insert both OBJECT and EMBED?
Basically I want to be able to control what is inserted.
Have searched for threads here on flash object embed etc, but no luck on how to implement this..
Any help would be appreciated
example code would be most welcome
Or will it not work using FCKeditor?
The reason I need this is to make my menusystem work
with flash.... so the flash does not float on top of my
I tested the latest version using FF today, on fckeditor.net site....
Inserted a flash and found that it only inset the EMBED part.
Does anybody know what I have to do to make it insert both OBJECT and EMBED?
Basically I want to be able to control what is inserted.
Have searched for threads here on flash object embed etc, but no luck on how to implement this..
Any help would be appreciated
example code would be most welcome
Or will it not work using FCKeditor?
The reason I need this is to make my menusystem work
with flash.... so the flash does not float on top of my
RE: How to insert flash with OBJECT and EMBED
Se below for the code I want the source to look like when I insert a flash.
Any suggestions on how to get a flash inserted with the OBJECT tag preserved?
Do I have to create my own GUI to make it work or can I just extend the existing
flash button that comes with the FCKeditor, with a custom made plugin?
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... on=6,0,0,0" height="150" width="732" name="if-header">
<param name="movie" value="images/flash/if-header.swf">
<param name="quality" value="best">
<param name="play" value="true">
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
<embed height="150" name="if-header" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="images/flash/if-header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="732" quality="best" wmode="opaque" play="true">
RE: How to insert flash with OBJECT and EMBED
but anyway.
The reason for asking was this:
**** SCENARIO 1 *****
I would like to be able to use the existing flash insert button that comes with FCKeditor.
But still be able to insert custom code for the flash... as in my previous post.
The reason for this (using the existing flash button) is that it would be nice to offer the site admins the possibility to right-click on the inserted flash to be able to edit the properties for the flash. For this to work I would probably have to change (extend) the existing GUI....., make some plugins etc...
**** SCENARIO 2 *****
The other option I have of cource is to just build my own custom stuff from the ground up and just offer the possibility to insert the flash, and not the ability to right-click it afterwards for editing (in that case, one would have to delete it and insert it again).....
I know how to do this, but it is not quite optimal solution for the site-admins.
**** SCENARIO 3 ****
The third option would be to use SCENARIO 2 from above and create my own popup window (GUI), started from a context menu on a right-click (and eventually also started by first selecting the media in question in the editor and then click the same button to get to the GUI).
This could then be kind of dynamic and depending on what kind of media one is editing (flash, YOU-TUBE video etc) then the GUI should be reflecting the media and display the
correct properties to be edited......
To be able to use the scenario 3 I would have to know how to, via javascript, change a property of e.g. object tag or embed tag.
Let say user wants to change the width:
If so I would have to know (for my OBJECT code in previous post) how to change the
width property for both the OBJECT tag and EMBED tag.
Anyone with links or code on how to get started on how to do that? (Scenario 3)
As a starter for scenario 3 this is what I must be able to accomplish:
1. Create a button that opens a custom filebrowser (I know how to do that).
2. When the filebrowser are submitted, insert custom code at current position in FCKeditor.
I know how to do that.
3. On right-click on the inserted media, depending on what type of media that was inserted
open GUI similar / same to the one used when inserting the media.
I would have to know how to get / read the current properties for the tags used for
the media in order to display the current settings in the GUI.
When submitting now I must be able to update/change the content (properties) of the
different tags used for that specific media.
I do not know how I can do this.
So some advice here would be really helpful....
I find it a bit strange if this has not been though about before
( read: allready been made ), so I have probably missed something....
if that is the case .... please enlighten me with some links and information....