Got something to work which may prove useful to others.
When we updated our old and masive site to CSS a big problem was the old <p>, <h1>'s etc were inheriting the styles of the new CSS. The workaround was to give the new content <body> a class of 'content'. then '.content h1{' styles could be used without affecting the old stuff, which only used some of the styles.
This lead to a problem in the FCK editor as we couldn't inherit CSS styles to the editor in our specific CSS class.
So if you need specific styles to tags in FCK you can add this to fckeditorcode_ie.js
right before
(search for 'contentEditable')
And your containers styles inherit right into the editor.
(fyi, I'm modifying Samples 14's config file)
When we updated our old and masive site to CSS a big problem was the old <p>, <h1>'s etc were inheriting the styles of the new CSS. The workaround was to give the new content <body> a class of 'content'. then '.content h1{' styles could be used without affecting the old stuff, which only used some of the styles.
This lead to a problem in the FCK editor as we couldn't inherit CSS styles to the editor in our specific CSS class.
So if you need specific styles to tags in FCK you can add this to fckeditorcode_ie.js
right before
(search for 'contentEditable')
And your containers styles inherit right into the editor.
(fyi, I'm modifying Samples 14's config file)
Re: How to inherit a CSS class to the editor
You can get the same result without modifying any code just by setting the BodyClass configuration
Re: How to inherit a CSS class to the editor
Well that's a bit easier