I have the need to post code to my store front for maintaining updating items.
I would like to include a link to some PDFs, and a table for volume pricing etc.
I can only import stright text, so I need to be able to, once imported, go back and modify the items. I need to do this when ever I get new items/price changes etc, so it is a regular issue.
I would like to AUTOMATE this.
The host I use, used FCKEditor for updating.
I have been able to READ the textarea, but I have not been able to change the data, nor have I been able to activate the buttons from VBA.
How can this be done?
I would like to include a link to some PDFs, and a table for volume pricing etc.
I can only import stright text, so I need to be able to, once imported, go back and modify the items. I need to do this when ever I get new items/price changes etc, so it is a regular issue.
I would like to AUTOMATE this.
The host I use, used FCKEditor for updating.
I have been able to READ the textarea, but I have not been able to change the data, nor have I been able to activate the buttons from VBA.
How can this be done?
<TD> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var oFCK = new FCKeditor( 'fx_DESC1', "aaa") ; oFCK.BasePath = sBasePath ; var initval = document.mainform.fx_DESC1a.value; initval=checkAutoSave("fx_DESC1",initval); oFCK.Config.cleartext=false; oFCK.Value = initval; oFCK.Height=""+((96*1.4)+80); oFCK.Width="100%" oFCK.ToolbarSet = 'EZ' ; oFCK.Config.ServerRoot="/"; oFCK.Config.ServerRoota="/edinc"; oFCK.Config.EditorAreaCSS = ["/edinc/hed/edcss?n=",""]; var fnames='default text;Arial;Comic Sans MS;Courier New;Georgia;Tahoma;Times New Roman;Verdana;;'; fnames=fnames.replace(/g\*.*?;/g,""); oFCK.Config.FontNames = fnames; oFCK.Create() ; document.mainform.fx_DESC1a.value=""; </SCRIPT> <DIV><INPUT style="DISPLAY: none" id=fx_DESC1 value="24KT FOUNTAIN PEN (COE)" type=hidden name=fx_DESC1><INPUT style="DISPLAY: none" id=fx_DESC1___Config value=cleartext=false&ServerRoot=/&ServerRoota=/edinc&EditorAreaCSS=/edinc/hed/edcss%3Fn%3D%2C&FontNames=default%20text%3BArial%3BComic%20Sans%20MS%3BCourier%20New%3BGeorgia%3BTahoma%3BTimes%20New%20Roman%3BVerdana%3B%3B type=hidden><IFRAME id=fx_DESC1___Frame height=214 src="/i/t/hed/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=fx_DESC1&Toolbar=EZ" frameBorder=0 width="100%" scrolling=no></IFRAME></DIV></TD>