The following is my actions had try.It failed. And the error to be like this :freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression JspTaglibs is undefined on line 1
It's the flt file:
<#assign FCK=JspTaglibs["/WEB-INF/FCKeditor.tld"]> <html > <head> </head> <body> <@s.form action="" method="post" theme="simple"> <@FCK.editor instanceName="editorDefault" height="500px" /> <@s.submit name="submit" /> </@s.form> </body> </html>
Re: How can FCKeditor integration with freemarker?
Actually, you don't need the taglib to use the Editor with freemarker.
Check this: http://java.fckeditor.net/velocity_freemarker.html
If you still want to use the tag lib, add the java-core to your classpath and reference the taglib with it's URI.
Re: How can FCKeditor integration with freemarker?
Re: How can FCKeditor integration with freemarker?
The FCKeditor class abstracts completely from XML, encodes parameters, checks them (partially) and makes sure that the code is XML compliant.
It is completely hassle-free. Just use it, don't worry.