Hi guys. I have a question. I need to add a one more button to FCKeditor panel.
I used BUEditor for Drupal before, now i want to use FCKeditor. So, what would be look like the code for a fckplugin.js file if in BUEditor i had this:
js: myUserInput = function(form) { E.replaceSelection('<a href="http://example.com/download.php?filename='+ form.elements["filename"].value + '&path=' + form.elements["path"].value + '">' + form.elements["title"].value + '</a>'); editor.dialog.close(); } var html = 'Filename: '+ eDefInputText('filename') + '<br/>'; html += 'Link href: '+ eDefInputText('path') + '<br/>'; html += 'Title: '+ eDefInputText('title') + '<br/>'; html += eDefInputSubmit('sbmt', 'OK'); html = eDefHTML('form', html, {onsubmit: 'myUserInput(this); return false;'}); editor.dialog.open('File', html);