I am playing with the editor (2.4.3) and trying to get image uploads working. I have the fckeditor as a sub directory in my testing root directory (MyRoot). I have applied appropriate permissions to the root as well as all children.
I CAN upload using "MyRoot/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/test.html"
However, I invoke the editor in a test page in the root. When I click the Edit/Insert Image icon in the toolbar, I get the popup dialog, I click the Upload tab, I browse for a test image on my box. When I click Send It To The Server, nothing happens. I dont get an error and I dont get the file uploaded.
In the files:
fckeditor\editor\filemanager\upload\asp\config.asp - I have ConfigIsEnabled = True and ConfigUserFilesPath = "/userfiles/"
(I also made a directory in my root named userfiles and checked its permissions as the comment said "' Path to user files relative to the document root."
Also in:
fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\connectors\asp\config.asp - I have ConfigIsEnabled = True and ConfigUserFilesPath = "userfiles/"
Again, if I browse to http://localhost/MyRoot/fckeditor/edito ... /test.html
uploads work here . placing the files at:
I am trying to get the icon in the toolbar to work and hopefully be able to alter the path to a specified directory in MyRoot . .not nested inside the fckeditor directory.
Any advice or help welcome.
Tue, 10/23/2007 - 17:12