I have the following directory structure:
- - fckeditor
- - FileManager
- - MemberFiles
- - - - Various sub directories - each representing a member
From an editor invoked from a page in the root directory. I am able to directory browse and upload into my FileManager directory inside the appropriate Member directory. However, say I upload an image. The file gets uploaded, but the editor doesn't display the image. The editor is looking for editor/MemberFiles/
How can I make the paths jive for uploads and editing display?
Since this posting I have learned I can edit frmresourcelist.html:
function OpenFile( fileUrl )
fileUrl = 'http://localhost/MyRoot/FileManager/' + fileUrl;
window.top.opener.SetUrl( encodeURI( fileUrl ) ) ;
window.top.close() ;
window.top.opener.focus() ;
and this seems to work . .is this cool or is there another way?
Tue, 10/23/2007 - 19:08