Hi, I love FCKEditor, but I think it would be even better if the uploaded images would be database based - I am using it in a huge Content Management System. You can edit and delete pictures easily - but when you do so, all articles that are using this specific picture are fucked!
If the image names would be stored in a database, one could easily change their names...
Just an idea..
Wed, 09/21/2005 - 06:15
RE: Feature request: Database based images
It's pretty easy to do though. Just have a look at the existing file browser dialog. You can present the images in any way you like, just call the function to pass the URL, dimensions, alt tag etc back.
You can specify the URL to your custom browser in fckconfig.js. Use whatever server side technology you like.
If you're keen to have a go, I can give you a copy of ours .. you'd have to rip out and replace all the actual DB calls though.
I don't believe this kind of functionality should be part of the core FCK product though - every CMS is going to want to do this differently.
RE: Feature request: Database based images
Several months ago I started working on a DB connector that would replicate the standard connector's functions, only all in a database (optionally storing files in the DB).
Unfortunatly, like lots of other stuff, I got as far as a proof of concept, and thats about it.
I really like the XML communique, as it allows for custom connectors quite easily.
If I ever "finish" the DB connector, I'll post it!
RE: Feature request: Database based images
Ben, I'm interested in your code. In the interest of sharing, I have an oldish version of my CMS available for download at http://webmecms.org/, and will be releasing a new version with major updates very soon.
Your code could help me a lot with one part of what I'm working on.