I have FckEditor 2.6.6 installed. It loads fine in IE6/7/8 and Firefox. But in Safari (4.0 and 5.0) all I see is a generic HTML <textarea>. No FckEditor is shown. I was able to test the function "FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser" within the "fckeditor.js" file to verify that it sees Safari as a "compatible" browser.
Any one got any ideas as to why FckEditor is now showing in Safari for me? I don't even see a way within Safari to see any bugs (yes, I don't use Safari much).
ps. If it matters, this is on a ASPX website (.net) using the FredCK.FCKeditorV2.dll.
Thanks for your time!
Thu, 07/22/2010 - 22:28
This is most likely an image
This is most likely an image resize issue, as it happens with both FCKEditor and the WYSIWYG API using TinyMCE 3. In Safari remote images will be downloaded to the local file system (if that option is enabled), but images cannot be resized.
I tested FCKEditor on both 6
I tested FCKEditor on both 6.4.0P2 and P3 code just now in IE8, FF3.5, Chrome and Safari and had no problems.