If I enter a value url in the Image Properties dialog box and clicn on the OK button, the image is inserted in the textare with the full (i.e., http://.www ....) url which is what I want.
However, if I click the Browse Server button, choose an image, and then click OK, the image is inserted with the relative url. In fact, the url displayed in the URL text field is the relative URL.
How can I make this last procedure insert an image with a full url?
Tue, 08/12/2008 - 19:25
The documentation includes the following:
Returning Full URLs
You can configure the File Browser to return full URLs to FCKeditor, like "http://www.example.com/userfiles/", instead of absolute URLs, like "/userfiles/". To do that, you must configure the connector, combining the UserFilesPath and UserFilesAbsolutePath settings:
UserFilesPath: include here the full URL for the user files directory. For example, set it to "http://www.example.com/userfiles/".
UserFilesAbsolutePath: include here the server path to reach the above URL directory. For example, in a Windows environment, you could have something like "C:/inetpub/mysite/userfiles/", while on Linux, something like "/usr/me/public_html/mysite/userfiles/".
Just adjust the above settings to your installation values and the File Browser will start returning full URLs to the editor.
Can anyone pleaqse explain which file I should edit and exactly what I should edit?