firstly, this editor is amazing! Thanks to all the developers!
I'm using the FCKeditor.Java release (1.0 beta 2 for 2.0b2) and have experienced the bug described at [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1079980&group_id=75348&atid=543653].
This bug seems to be fixed in RC2 (which doesn't have a corresponding FCKeditor.Java release). The strange thing is that when I use the "_source" folder (pulled from FCKeditor 2.0 Beta 2) and swap the fckeditor.html with fckeditor.original.html the problem seems to go away.
Anyway, I thought I would just mention this to others incase they're struggling with the same problem in the FCKeditor.Java release.
Thu, 03/24/2005 - 06:00
RE: FCKeditor.Java and combo format bug
The java is just the taglib to handle it in JSP.
Anyway I'll be releasing a 2.1 version of FCKEditor.Java soon.