With the latest version, FCKeditor 2.0 FC, and the Mambo server, I spent last weekend to change the code, and make sure that the editor would do what I wanted within Mambo Open Server.
I think I succeeded, but that would be my judgement.
You can see what I did at http://mos-md.claasen.net/index.php?opt ... 1&Itemid=4 and adjust the code for your own Mambo server if you like.
Mon, 08/22/2005 - 04:52
RE: FCKeditor 2.0 FC for Mambo
RE: FCKeditor 2.0 FC for Mambo
On page 3:
You used this to set the path:
$parent = str_replace( "//", "/", $mosConfig_absolute_path );
$parent = str_replace( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],"", $parent );
according to my config setting $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and $mosConfig_absolute_path are the same so $parent is empty.
my $mosConfig_absolute_path is "/var/www/mysite/www"
My question here is that where does fckeditor for mambo upload the media to? So i can change permission or create the folder for it to upload.
On page 6 :
this line: $select .= "</select>>n";
should be: $select .= "</select>\n";
I have problem getting the selection box to show up when i select Mambo article. I'm using fbxp_v2.01_preFinalRC.zip from http://www.mcpuk.net/fbxp/downloads/
Can you package all of your files and make it downloadable?
RE: FCKeditor 2.0 FC for Mambo
The reason why DOCUMENT_ROOT is stripped from the absolute path, is to make the connector relative. When mambo is installed in a sub-folder, then only the folder reference remains. In most situations, $parent will be empty.
Thank you for the correction. Must have been a copy / paste error. Is now corrected.
The mcpuc that I've been using was delivered with the FCKeditor version 2.0 FC download. This is working for me, but still in experimental stage.
I am currently working on a plugin version of the Mambo link selector. This should lead to less code update. Once this is done, I will distribute this plugin as a separate .zip file. (I'm not sure what license agreements I would violate if I distribute the adjusted code).
Thank you for your feedback.
RE: FCKeditor 2.0 FC for Mambo
Where can I download your zip package ?