Hello to everyone.
I'm using FCKEditor 2.4.3 to edit a page with ASP code inside.
I've just turned on the FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Add( /<%[\s\S]*?%>/g ) ; in the fckconfig.js and see the asp code in the HTML View.
This is the problem, my asp page contains these lines:
And FCKEditor transforms it to:
FCKEditor trash this piece of ASP code. Why? Where is the "for" statment? Why change the:
<option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" <%=sel%>><%=arrAnos(a)%></option> line to:
<option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" selected="selected">></option>
Any ideas?
I need to get working as fast as possible.
I'm using FCKEditor 2.4.3 to edit a page with ASP code inside.
I've just turned on the FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Add( /<%[\s\S]*?%>/g ) ; in the fckconfig.js and see the asp code in the HTML View.
This is the problem, my asp page contains these lines:
<% If isArray(arrAnos) then %> <input type="hidden" name="codcat" value="<%=codcategoria%>"> <input type="hidden" name="year" value=""> Seleccione el año a consultar: <select size="1" name="a" class="textoform" onchange="javascript:chgYear();c"> <% for a = 0 to ubound(arrAnos) if cint(arrAnos(a)) = cint(intAno) then sel = "selected" else sel = "" end if strjavascriptAno = strjavascriptAno & "<a href=""actividades.asp?a="&arrAnos(a)&""">Ver Eventos "&arrAnos(a)&"</a><br>" & vbcrlf %> <option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" <%=sel%>><%=arrAnos(a)%></option> <% next %> </select> <% else response.write "No existen documentos en la base de datos" End if %>
And FCKEditor transforms it to:
<% If isArray(arrAnos) then %><input type="hidden" name="codcat" value="<%=codcategoria%>" /> <input type="hidden" name="year" /> Seleccione el año a consultar: <select class="textoform" size="1" onchange="javascript:chgYear();" name="a"> <option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" selected="selected">></option> </select> <% else response.write "No existen documentos en la base de datos" End if %>
FCKEditor trash this piece of ASP code. Why? Where is the "for" statment? Why change the:
<option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" <%=sel%>><%=arrAnos(a)%></option> line to:
<option value="<%=arrAnos(a)%>" selected="selected">></option>
Any ideas?
I need to get working as fast as possible.
Re: FCKEditor destroyes asp code
Just response.write all the code and don't put the <% %> to generate partial results.