On the FCKEditor integration guide here:
http://mediawiki.fckeditor.net/index.ph ... tion_guide
It says:
Q: How can I get the clipboard to work as I expect? In my installation, every time I paste, a javascript dialog box pops up prompting me to paste plain text. At the very least, I would like to be able to copy-paste text without this box appearing... and at best, I would like for the copy-paste functionality to also maintain formatting.
A: add the following lines to extensions/FCKeditor/fckeditor_config.js
FCKConfig.AutoDetectPasteFromWord = true;
FCKConfig.CleanWordKeepsStructure = false;
FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = false;
I've tried the suggested solution, but I still get the plain text paste dialog box every time I paste, and I've tried editing the toolbar to add the "Word Paste" but neither works. Does anyone have a solution?
Wed, 12/09/2009 - 19:48