I've changed a flash-player 10 and I uploaded a file-flash with fckeditor,don´t show me.
Someone has had the same problem?
By example, this embed object don´t show me (this file-flash is upload like a normal file)
<embed src="http://localhost:8080/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=21445&folderId=17020&name=DLFE-1603.swf"
allowScriptAccess="true" width="780" height="127" play="true" loop="true" menu="true" wmode="opaque">
And this, I show it properly
<embed src="http://localhost:8080/flash/tennis.swf"
allowScriptAccess="true" width="780" height="127" play="true" loop="true" menu="true" wmode="opaque">
In flash-player 9 woks ok
Thu, 10/30/2008 - 18:27