I had to inspect the session transaction to find a bug in my FckEditor integration.
Do do that I use Fiddler (http://www.fiddler2.com/) to trace session on IE.
I just notice that if the EditorAreaCSS config property is set, the css file is called 3 times per editor load !
Can somebody using this options or Fred, can confirm this please.
This not append with the other config properties TemplatesXmlPath and StylesXmlPath who where call just one time.
Fri, 08/31/2007 - 17:10
Re: EditorAreaCSS multiple calls
Re: EditorAreaCSS questions
My EditorAreaCSS property point to an server side script that load different css depending on the context.
The script is using cookies information to do his job.
In FF there is no problem, but in IE the css (in fact my script that EditorAreaCSS point to) is called without sending cookies information.
I know that IE doesn't accept to inject LINK property to the header of the document via createElement method and have it's own method createStyleSheet.
Do you think it' a limitation of the createStyleSheet method ??
I can't find any information about it !