Can anyone give a hint about this buttons? First, I found a thread in this forum, where people adviced to modify security settings in FF. Well, I did it but it still didn't work. Actually, it did the trick, but not for FCK. works fine with clipboard after security tuning. I looked at the code and found this:
case 'Paste' :
try { if ( FCK.Paste() ) FCK._BaseExecuteNamedCommand( 'Paste' ) ; }
catch (e) { alert( FCKLang.PasteErrorPaste ) ; }
break ;
case 'Cut' :
try { FCK._BaseExecuteNamedCommand( 'Cut' ) ; }
catch (e) { alert( FCKLang.PasteErrorCut ) ; }
break ;
case 'Copy' :
try { FCK._BaseExecuteNamedCommand( 'Copy' ) ; }
catch (e) { alert( FCKLang.PasteErrorCopy ) ; }
break ;
I'm not a JS guru, but it is very srange that there is no other reference in the whole code to the function FCK._BaseExecuteNamedCommand. This is a strange world...
Fri, 10/14/2005 - 01:04
RE: Do Copy/Cut/Paste buttons work in FF at a
I've done some rudimentary playing with the code base so that the error message that is displayed also shows the exception error. This error is that FCK._BaseExecuteNamedCommand does not exist. By changing this to the "ExecuteNamedCommand" I get back "too much recursion" -- bottom line, is anyone working on getting the Gecko Buttons to work, or is this an IE only feature?
RE: Do Copy/Cut/Paste buttons work in FF at all ?
RE: Do Copy/Cut/Paste buttons work in FF at a
do you mean these settings? ... paste.html
RE: Do Copy/Cut/Paste buttons work in FF at a
I am eager to hear from FredCK about current state of these buttons in FF. Without information it is like knocking a wall with your head.