Does anyone know of a plugin or a way to add an option to the current Fckeditor image dialog box for mouseover images? I am using Fckeditor in my CMS and would like to allow my client to create rollover images through the rich text editor.
Re: Creating Rollover Images
Tynimce has it so it 's possible .I use it a lot to create small buttons or for simple banners.
I really hope one of those great programmers makes it for FCK (i'm not capabe) !!!
Until then here a code that works all-right:
<img onmouseout="this.src='/your first image';" onmouseover="this.src='your second image';" src="your first image" alt="alternative text" title="text for small pop-up" height="129" width="210" />
Mister Box
Re: Creating Rollover Images