Hi all,
Using CF8 and FF3. Editor appears, but for the life of me, I can't get it to call the external stylesheet and CSS file. I've even tried hardcoding the paths to the css and xml with no luck (I can browse to the files directly in a browser). What am I doing wrong???
<cfscript> fckEditor = createObject("component", "/fckeditorAdmin/fckeditor"); fckEditor.config.customConfigurationsPath = "https://mysite.com/_cf-inf/htmleditor/_fckconfig/userAdminModule/bio_en.js"; fckEditor.instanceName = "userBio"; fckEditor.value = "#FORM.userBio#"; fckEditor.width = "#SESSION.siteAttributes.wysiwygeditorwidth#"; fckEditor.height = "400"; fckEditor.stylesXmlPath = "#SESSION.companyInfo.companyRootURL#/_css/editor/userAdmin_bio.xml"; fckEditor.EditorAreaCSS = "#SESSION.companyInfo.companyRootURL#/_css/editor/userAdmin_bio.css"; fckEditor.toolbarSet = "Default"; fckEditor.create(); // create the editor. </cfscript>
Re: Can't Get CSS and Styles to work
Re: Can't Get CSS and Styles to work
fckEditor.config.stylesXmlPath = "#SESSION.companyInfo.companyRootURL#_css/editor/userAdmin_bio.xml";
fckEditor.config.editorAreaCSS = "#SESSION.companyInfo.companyRootURL#_css/editor/userAdmin_bio.css";