I'm currently building a CMS containing FCKeditor version 2.5.
In chaned the link dialog to a PHP page so that I can read all pages from the database and place them in the link-form. This all works great but when a user chooses a page, I want to place to link to that page in the URL field. This way a user can create links to other pages verry easy.
I added a javascript to fill the URL field with the url. But this function only works in FireFox.
This code has been added inside the HEAD tag of the link dialog.
The code
<script src="../../../../../assets/javascripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function fillURL(pageId, pageUri, langId) { $('#txtUrl').val('./'+langId+'/pagina/'+pageId+'/'+pageUri+'.html'); $("#optionOTHER").attr('selected', 'selected'); $("#optionHTTP").attr('selected', ''); } </script>
Re: Building links from a database
Not even the people behind FCKeditor have a answer to this question?