Hi all
(sorry for bad english, i do my best)
I use FCK Editor and CKfinder.
I make the modifs in the :
I have created userfiles and in this folders : File, Flash, Image and Media with 777 CHMOD.
But i can't see File, Flash, Image and Media in CKfinder...
But if i upload a picture, he create a new folder named : images
He place the picture in this new folder, and he create an other folder named : _thumbs and in an other folder name Images
All this folder use 744 CHMOD. (i can't use the pictures with this CHMOD...)
I make screen :
What the problems ?
Big big thanks
Thu, 11/15/2007 - 20:51
Re: Big problems with upload
With many modifications i have maked all i want...
But i have always the probleme with CHMOD. CKFinder create 744 CHMOD.
I can modify that ?
And i have an other problem.
The pictures are not resized in 100x100. Pictures keep the same size.
Why ?
Big thanks