ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "File", "doc|docx|pdf"
I've enabled upload in the same config.asp:
ConfigIsEnabled = True
I've set the path in the same config.asp:
ConfigUserFilesPath = "/UserFiles/"
I cannot upload a pdf. I get a wrong file type error message.
When I use the Upload tab on the IMAGE PROPERTIES window, I can load a jpg and it goes into the /UserFiles/ folder.
What icon or function or(?) am I supposed to use that gives me a "FILE" uploader that handles the files allowed by:
ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "File", "doc|docx|pdf"
Thanks in advance for anyone's help.eagreen
ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "File", "doc|docx|pdf"
I've enabled upload in the same config.asp:
ConfigIsEnabled = True
I've set the path in the same config.asp:
ConfigUserFilesPath = "/UserFiles/"
I cannot upload a pdf. I get a wrong file type error message.
When I use the Upload tab on the IMAGE PROPERTIES window, I can load a jpg and it goes into the /UserFiles/ folder.
What icon or function or(?) am I supposed to use that gives me a "FILE" uploader that handles the files allowed by:
ConfigAllowedExtensions.Add "File", "doc|docx|pdf"
Thanks in advance for anyone's help.eagreen