Feature request 1. Would like to see a "Cyclic search" checkbox implemented in the Find popup
Any chance to get a "Cyclic search" checkbox implemented in the Find popup (when you click Find icon).
As it is now, if the user has the cursor in the middle of the text and click Find button, then the Find will only search to bottom of text in the editor.... and will not continue from the top....
For some that can be confusing.
For other it is quirky, because if you are aware of how the search work and want to place the cursor at beginning you will have to click inside the editor. Then the Find popup will loose focus and be behind parent window with the editor.
I belive most users will then just click the Find icon again, which now clears what you typed in the search field.
I also belive that most users "intuitively" will think that it actually does a cyclic search.
And that this can make them belive that the string sought for was not there....
Would appreciate to see a "Cyclic search" checkbox added to the Find popup.
Would also be nice if the default value of that checkbox could be set in the config file.
Feature request 2. Why is nested H tags from style combo allowed?
When using the Style combo I can actually apply different H styles to same text.
So after applying first H1 and then H2 tags to the same text it looks like:
<h2><h1>Heading test</h1></h2>
After applying the H2 I would like it to look like this:
<h2>Heading test</h2>
And I would like FCKeditor auto-remove the existing H tag.
Is there a way to force the style combo to remove a previously inserted style before inserting the new one?
Any chance to see this implemented?
I could not see any good reason for allowing nested H tags... is there?
BUG 1: strange behaviour
is this a BUG?
If I write "First line", then hit enter twice (two BR inserted) then write "Second line", then enter twice again,
and then write "Third line".
So it looks like this in editor:
First line
Second line
Third line
Then if I select the "Second line" and apply the H3 style from the Style combo and then hit the the
Undo button.
What happens is that "Third line" is removed and not my previously added style.
Is it supposed to be like that?
I would expect my latest applied style to be removed, and not my "Third line" to be deleted.
I also tested this on the demo page on http://www.fckeditor.net and found the same to happpen.
Basically the Undo button does not work on applied styles using the Style combo.
It (Undo button) do work on applied stuff using the Format, Font and Size combos.
How can I make the Undo button also work on stuff applied using the Style combo?
BUG 2: Bottom border around the editor gets hidden
How to reproduce:
1. Go to:
2. Click the "Collapse Toolbar" icon on the left of the toolbar, to hide the toolbar.
3. Click the "Expand Toolbar" icon --- Mousepointer just above the same place you clicked in #2
4. Now if you still keep the mousepointer just above the "Expand Toolbar" icon after you clicked it in #3, then you will see that the borders around the editor are visible.
5. Now move the mousepointer over some of the icons in the toolbar.
What happens is that the bottom border of the editor is hidden.
Looks to me that the toolbar is growing in height with approx 1px...
Sun, 07/29/2007 - 20:14