Sometimes developers can't really brag about their CKEditor integrations on the Who is using page and we know how ambitious some of your projects are. Well, now is your chance to tell us about it. Show off how you use CKEditor on this thread!
The only requirement is that you include a screenshot of your setup (a must!) with a description and a link to where it's being used. We will occasionally create a blog enumerating new submissions, so this will also be a good opportunity to tell the world what you do for a living. This thread isn't strictly related to developers so if you have a personal site that uses CKEditor, let us know about it!
I use CKEditor on my community site . I use it with the contenteditable tag, so my team and I can work directly on the page... WYSIWYG to the next level, really!
I also developed a few plugins following your great documentation as the minimal one for YouTube I finished minutes ago.
Your tool is the basis of mine so I thank you very much for your efforts!
gpEasy CMS
CKEditor has been a core component of gpEasy CMS since it started in 2009. From the beginning, we've tried to make editing as true to WYSIWYG as possible. The release of CKEditor 4 was a huge step forward and allowed us to provide True WYSIWYG editing to our users (screenshot attached).
Hi Zane,
Hi Zane,
great to see your efforts!
But if you developed some CKEditor plugins, why don't you submit them to our Add-ons Repository for the whole world to enjoy? Community collaboration like this is what makes CKEditor really unique... Looking forward to your contribution!
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
I just added the only one that could (?) be publish-worthy to the repository: tliyoutube
Great, thanks a lot!
Great, thanks a lot! Community content and input is what makes CKEditor what it is, so thanks for contributing!
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
Hey, Im Andy just doing this cus apparently I have to post twice before i can tell you I think something is broken :P
Seriously though, love ckeditor since I found it i have gradually been developing a very basic notepad that i use since they took notepad++ off the standard build and we were told we couldnt have it.
So far its never let me down, unless I broke it :)
Working towards making it so that ckeditor auto saves in a database (secure login) so I dont lose the details im dealing with. But that will take a little time.
is the version I was using. (damn thing seems broken since i tried installing it again.
Nice to meet you all.
Nice to meet you too! Btw,
Nice to meet you too! Btw, your link is broken. And if you can, show off your project with a screenshot - easier to glance over in forums instead of clicking on individual links!
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
Hi Folks
My name's Eric and I work at a small computer shop In Largo Fl. Our website is I'm hoping to use CKEditor to create emails with HTML that have a greater visual impact. Is there anyone else here doing something similar?
Hope you all are having a great Fat Tuesday,
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
I'm currently experimenting on using CKEditor, both framed and inline version, in Sencha Touch and ExtJS-applications. It has been a bumpy road, but is progressing quite nicely :) I reallly CKEditor so far. Performance is superior to most other editors I have tried, it's easy to integrate and highly customizable.
Hi Folks,
Long-time CKeditor user here. Now needing to develop a very simple plugin to handle internal, "wiki-style", links, and in need of a little advice.
Loooking forward to interacting with the community.
Investigating replacing old editor with CKEditor
I'm redeveloping a company's internal website (old system is from circa 2005). The new site is liberally sprinkled with jQuery and is much more dynamic than the old one was. It's been a steep learning curve for me, given that I'm really a database specialist rather than a web developer.
I'm looking to use CKEditor in a number of places : largely to allow editing of dynamically built fax documents for sending out.
I've attached a screenshot of where I am at the moment (I have a problem which is pretty obvious, which I'll open a new thread on).
Phil Nelson
CMS Webutler
basicly I work with Typo3, CodeIgniter and have started with CakePHP. But for small projects I wrote my own little system. I started with FCKeditor years ago and over the years the system became bigger and bigger. Now it is version 3 with a lot of features. Primarily it was created for my own needs, I create the page and the customer can login and edit the content. But I use open source software, so everybody can download and use it.
CKEditor is the heart of my system. The basic version is filebased and there is no backend, only little overlays for actions and settings. You can edit HTML files with inline editing on content parts. So there are no differences between the look on view mode and on edit mode. For data records there is the new ModMaker since version 3. You can create simple input/output modules with it. It uses SQLite3, so you need PHP 5.4 or higher. For file protection there are htaccess files in different folders, so your server should run Apache.
A big thank you to the CKEditor team. Without your work my system wouldn't look like now.
If someone want to check it out, here is the download. I wait for a demo version on, but it's not available for now. There is a _docs_ directory in the zip file with more information. English translation is by Google, horrible - sorry!
tabular setup
Nice tabs! Feel free share
Nice tabs! Feel free share how you did it!
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
If you think you found a bug in CKEditor, read this!
Nailing Microsoft Word / Google docs
Hi all,
Im am working already quite some time wth CKEditor/CKFinder. In a webapplication, I am using CKEditor for having a reporting system.
Got 2 screen mode - normal and fullscreen in browser.
Hope you like the design :-)
Tibetsupport site
CK4, inline page edit mode.
Slightly out of date version of the frontend, as the toolbar has recently sprouted a few more buttons. Will update it when I get a round tuit. Like most things. ;-)
Hyperframe !CMS
If you want to have a try at Hyperframe's features, go to and login with the password guest.
As far as I know it's one of only a very few products to use CK's new live page editing mode. When combined with ajax page save that means you can see a close approximation of the result straightaway, and can save at any time without losing your place in the page or having to wait for a reload. (OK you can't save in the demo, but you will see that your caret or scroll position isn't lost,as it is in many other CMS following a save.)
If you change page you need to turn the editor on from the toolbar. (Was wondering whether to make that automatic, or is it preferable to keep it manual?)
Scripted functions intentionally do not operate in editing mode. To see these in action, use the Preview button. (Bottom row, second from left)