Problem : if I drag and drop a link with relative URL to another place in the editor, the relative link is transformed into an absolute link.
It does not happen with the demo sandbox. I'm using a special version of CKeditor, the WYSIWYG extension for mediawiki. I can try to tweek it so that it works like the present CKeditor version, but I don't know where to look for...
I have read that drag and drop behavior is controled by the browser and that CKeditor cannot handle that.However it seems that some control is possible.
No idea at all ?
No idea at all ?
For me it's one one the most crippling of WYSIWYG ext, and it's frustrating to know there should be a simple trick somewere in CKeditor's code.
I found something interesting
I found something interesting, inspecting the effect on html source while testing in the demo.
If I create a relative link, the html will render :
Then if I drag and drop this link, it becomes :
So it seems this behaviour (adding the base url) is indeed imposed by the browsers (and unvoidable ?).
But the attribute "data-cke-saved-href" conserve the true link value. It seems to have been precisely introduced for this purpose.
So I know I could try to implement this attribute to my WYSIWYG's CKeditor version.
But I wonder if it's possible to catch an event "on drop" and to remove the base url at this moment. So far I did not succeed to get the text value being drag/dropped.