Hi all,
I cannot change the dimensions of an image, which I added like this:
var doctarget = CKEDITOR.instances['page_' + pageOfGraph + '_container'];
doctarget.insertHtml('<img id="tempImg" src="' + result + '"/>');
After this, I added this to change the dimensions of the image:
var tempt = JSON.parse($('#tempImg').attr('data-cke-widget-data'));
tempt.width = "600";
tempt.height = "205";
$('#tempImg').attr('data-cke-widget-data', JSON.stringify(tempt));
$('#tempImg').attr('width', '600');
$('#tempImg').attr('height', '205');
The image got the requested dimensions, but when I double click on the image, I do not see the dimensions in the CKeditor popup of the image ... Somebody knows how to set the dimensions, so CKEditor will accept the settings and show it into the popup after double click on the image?