Hello everyone. Am using ckeditor in my backend part of my site for edditing text. Tell me please how to save text from file with blanks.
Example source html:
<div id="content-header">
<div class="description">
<div class="icon-small icon-faq"></div>
<div id="faq-container">
{% for o in data %}
<div class="title">
<div class="data">{{o.answer|raw}}</div>
{% endfor %}
After saving file i got next data (or viewing in source mode):
<div id="content-header">
<div class="description">
<div class="icon-small icon-faq"></div>
<div id="faq-container">{% for o in data %}
<div class="title">
<div class="data">{{o.answer|raw}}</div>
{% endfor %}</div>
How to save structure while file saving? I have idea ckeditror remove all blanks, how to fix it?
When iam loading data in config.startupMode = 'source';
The formatting is ok, but when i swich to normal mode and back i got unfomatted text