Heyho and hallo!
I'm frustrated and finally helpless. I've tried everything and searched and googled and so on, but I can't find a explaining Sample Code... So: Please help! :-)
I working on a plugin for CKEditor 4. Now I try to disable the editing in the whole editor, except one <h1>- and one <p>-Element. I have something like that:
[ ... ] function( editor ) { editor.insertHtml( $( '<div>' ).append( $( '<h1>', { id: 'inputAllowed' } ) ).html() ); editor.wishMethod.makeAllNotEditable = true; editor.document.find( '#inputAllowed' ).getItem( 0 ).isEditable( true ); } [ ... ]
I simply not get, how to manage this. How to get 'editable()' and 'isEditable()' to work.
I'm thankfull for every helpfull advice! :-)
Thanks a lot!
can you show a screenshot of your webpage on this?
Sure! :-)
Sure! :-)
Something like that (still in development):
But you can still write aside the Template and above the Image. :-/
Hi.....HenLen.....sorry for
Hi.....HenLen.....sorry for asking about other issue instead of helping you.........my question is.........How have you make to take away the bar at the bottom of ckeditor???.......I have tested a lot of ways....but nothing...........please....show me which is the code or el script.......send you your image but with a signal about my question........thanks for your support......wait your reply....
Hi Raybarretto,
Hi Raybarretto,
if you mean removing the Elements Path, then read the documentation here.
Additionally, could you be so kind as to use standard punctuation? Your writing style with multiple periods makes it much harder to read. Thanks!
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
Hi Anna,
Hi Anna,
I'm sorry for the periods, I'm peruavian, I know a little of english language and I didn't know that many periods in a text is hard to read.
Well, thans for yur help, it's exactly I needed.
But I have others questions.
How can I change the size of the cursor block wich is inside of text block, I need to grow the size of it in the same size as the text block.
The other question is, Why can't I see CKeditor in a smartphone??, CKeditor doesn't work in a smartphone, what is the problem?...How can I solve it??
Please help me, thanks for your help, wait your reply.
Ray Barretto.