I wonder if somebody can point me to some documentation of achieving direct upload of images into CKE. What I mean is adding a typical browse and upload option to the Image tool instead of requiring people to add an image URL.
Our server is not PHP or very standard, so I can't use some of the solutions in the configuration builder. But we did do this for our old fckeditor. It involved uploading the image to a temporary location at our site while editing, then after the post was made doing some post processing. Anyway, we have a working solution for the fckeditor we've been using for years, and it seems like a reasonable solution given the way our server works, so I'm looking for some way, if possible, of adding a "hook" from the new CKE we have into our existing solution.
I'm not sure where to set it though. People have been helpful here pointing out documents like this. I haven't run across any, so if anybody has any pointers, please let me know.
Check out the file browser
Check out the file browser integration documentation for some hints, you might be able to integrate the existing solution with CKEditor 4.
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
I will take a look at that.
I will take a look at that. It looks like there are some hints there.