I have installed ckeditor 4.
Issue #1
In my code, I use <div id=editor contenteditable=true >My text....</div>
When the page is loaded, the page appears as if there is no editor. I click on the element (id=editor) and a toolbar appears and I can edit the element. - Works perfect!
I added this to my JavaScript
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', { customConfig: '/ckeditor/config_custom.js' } );
and copied config.js to config_custom.js. I reloaded the page and the editor toolbar was immediately visible and the height of the element(editor) was not @ full size. This is not desired.
I know that the editor is picking up config_custom.js because I then made modifications to config_custom.js. The editor picked up changes. Can anyone help me?
Issue #2
What should I add to my config_custom.js to allow a client to add youtube videos?
My config_custom.js below...
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
// Define changes to default configuration here.
// For the complete reference:
// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config
// The toolbar groups arrangement, optimized for two toolbar rows.
config.toolbarGroups = [
{ name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
{ name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
{ name: 'links' },
{ name: 'insert' },
{ name: 'forms' },
{ name: 'tools' },
{ name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
{ name: 'others' },
{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align' ] },
{ name: 'styles' },
{ name: 'colors' }
// Remove some buttons, provided by the standard plugins, which we don't
// need to have in the Standard(s) toolbar.
config.removeButtons = 'Underline';
// Se the most common block elements.
config.format_tags = 'p;h1;h2;h3;pre';
// Make dialogs simpler.
config.removeDialogTabs = 'image:advanced;link:advanced';
//SCAYT enabled by Default
config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
config.basicEntities = false;
Could issue #1 be a flaw?
Could issue #1 be a flaw?