I've checked the new version of the editor and it still uses the <strike> tag, which has been deprecated in XHTML 1.0 Strict and HTML5. Maybe it is time to switch to <span style="text-decoration:line-through">?
Fri, 03/13/2009 - 15:19
Re: <strike> tag is deprecated
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: <strike> tag is deprecated
I do not think <del> is a good replacement here. <del> has an additional meaning and it may have extra styles not just text-decoration:line-through (for example some sites may want to display all the deleted text (<del>) in blue). It is just like in MS Word, it has both basic line-through text styling and special styles to display modifications (inserted/deleted text).
Re: <strike> tag is deprecated
Re: <strike> tag is deprecated
Could <strike> and <u> be replaced with <span style=""> tags so that our web pages become xhtml valid? Or could there at least be the option to switch between the two?
Ckeditor is awesome, btw. Thanks for all the hard work.