I really need some help, I can't figure out how to handle keypress/keydown events.
I've already tried everything and looked into javascript API documentation and here on forum but I couldn't find any solution.
Here's an example of what i'm trying to do:
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace(editorid)
editor.on('keypress', function() {
//never enters here
Can someone please explain the right way to do that?
I really need some help, I can't figure out how to handle keypress/keydown events.
I've already tried everything and looked into javascript API documentation and here on forum but I couldn't find any solution.
Here's an example of what i'm trying to do:
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace(editorid)
editor.on('keypress', function() {
//never enters here
Can someone please explain the right way to do that?
Re: keypress/keydown event
I really need to know on you can handle this event too, each time you type a letter, or you paste something, well everytime the datas are changed.
I found it! For everyone who s interested in knowing :
CKEDITOR.on('key', function () {
/* do what you want here */ } );
Re: keypress/keydown event