Hi i have my own file browers, all i need to do is call a javascript function that will insert a basic html "a href" or "img" string into my editor, my function already creates the string, i just need to know how to insert this to display in the editor.
can someone please help?
can someone please help?
Re: inserting links via javascript
It's a shame there is so little help or documentation to go along with this.
See my post: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15555
Re: inserting links via javascript
I don't quite understand your question, if you're looking for how to integrate url from custom file browser, I hope this document could help, otherwise if you're asking for the way to insert link/image into the editing document, please refer to this api.
Sorry but we're trying to come up with document things gradually, actually the plugins codes and unit tests are very good examples if you're aware of.