is this possible?
i know exactly what i need in the plugin and it would take me like an hour to make in php but i havnt a clue how to do it in the new all js format... is there away i can get plugin.js just to forward the dialogue to a php file or something similar?
i know exactly what i need in the plugin and it would take me like an hour to make in php but i havnt a clue how to do it in the new all js format... is there away i can get plugin.js just to forward the dialogue to a php file or something similar?
Re: how to make php plugin instead of js plugin??
If I remember correctly you can reference CKEditor.instances from iframe with
example plugin.js
Re: how to make php plugin instead of js plugin??
as far as i can understand javascript at this level that looks to be exactly what i need
will test it later today, thank you!
update: this is working. I have the iframe loaded in a dialog. will play arround with this and see if i can get the plugin working as intended. thank you.