I have an own written filemanager which I adapted for CKEDITOR.
In 3.0 it works but in 3.1 it gives:
Error: this._.panel is undefined
source: http://localhost/ckeditor/ckeditor.js
Line: 42
When the image you want to select is clicked the following is executed:
<a href="javascript:SetUrl('path_to_file');">
Re: filemanager gives this._.panel is undefined
I'm using ckeditor version 3.1 and ckfinder version 1.4.2, both for coldfusion. The problem seems specific to firefox for me, I'm using version 3.5.6
Is anyone else having this problem ?
Re: filemanager gives this._.panel is undefined
kind regards Fred Stuurman
Re: filemanager gives this._.panel is undefined
Re: filemanager gives this._.panel is undefined
It's easier if you read the docs: http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/D ... le_Browser
Re: filemanager gives this._.panel is undefined
Just parse the parameter "CKEditorFuncNum" from the url !
In asp :
function SetUrl( fileUrl )
window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(<%=CKEditorFuncNum%>, fileUrl);
You could just as well do it with javascript (with regex)