My setting is
But when I click in the edit box it starts at the first line that is good.
But when I start typing it automatically goes to the second line! Offcourse it should stay on the first one.
Someone have any ideas?
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
But when I click in the edit box it starts at the first line that is good.
But when I start typing it automatically goes to the second line! Offcourse it should stay on the first one.
Someone have any ideas?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Normally when you start typing it begins you with a <p>\n.
If you change enterMode to ENTER_BR, then you start with a <br>\n.
Is there a way to just start with nothing?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
is<br />
this<br />
properly<br />
working<br />
but when submit a data then this becomes...
is<br /><br>
this<br /><br>
properly<br /><br>
working<br /><br>
what can be the problem?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Same Problem!
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Who knows the answer? Or maybe we shall report a bug?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
If anyone know how to do that, please report this as bug.
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
I resolved the double <br> problem adding this code:
I hope that it will be helpful!!
(sorry for my bad english)
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Re: enterMode = BR; Auto enter when typing?
Near the <form> I have the javascript code needed to convert textarea into CKEditor, and below this I added (in this example I use a textarea with id="textarea")
I saw this code in reference to <p> enterMode and tried to apply this to ENTER_BR and it worked! tried with FF, IE8, Opera working well.
Good luck!