Hi there,
Starting from the ajax.html sample, I'd like to customize toolbar and styles.
So I modified the example and could define the toolbar, but I cannot find the way to customize the styles!
Here's my working code with toolbar customization
And here's the try of custom styles integration (I'd like to completely remove the default styles and define custom styles). This doesn't work (of course woud you say...)
Thanks in advance for your help and advices
Starting from the ajax.html sample, I'd like to customize toolbar and styles.
So I modified the example and could define the toolbar, but I cannot find the way to customize the styles!
Here's my working code with toolbar customization
function createEditor() { if ( editor ) { return; } var html = document.getElementById( 'editorcontents' ).innerHTML; editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editor',{toolbar:[['Source','-','Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Link','Styles','Format']]} ); editor.setData( html ); }
And here's the try of custom styles integration (I'd like to completely remove the default styles and define custom styles). This doesn't work (of course woud you say...)
function createEditor() { if ( editor ) { return; } var html = document.getElementById( 'editorcontents' ).innerHTML; editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editor',{toolbar:[['Source','-','Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Link','Styles','Format']]} ); editor.setData( html ); editor.loadStylesSet('myStyle','/customStyles.js'); }
Thanks in advance for your help and advices
Re: customizing styles
I edited the default.js file provided in "stylescombo/styles" folder. That's not really dynamic but for the moment, it does the job...
I encountered another problem:
I defined a CSS rule for my pages:
How could I render this in the editor and diplay it correctly only by selecting "Heading 1" in the "Format Menu" ?
(See attached image)
Thanks for your help because I'm getting lost in the documentation!
Re: customizing styles