I have jQuery clone dialogs that get source from another page which has form on it. I want to show ckeditor on this form. I am switching from fckeditor 2.xx and in this version all I had to do is add a script
Now with new version of ckeditor it's not working and I am not sure how to accomplish this. I think I saw some code somewhere where you can create ckeditor text area after the page loads but I can't find it again.
Can someone help me?
<cfscript> basePath='/Easel/FCKeditor/'; fckEditor=createObject("component","#basePath#fckeditor"); fckEditor.instanceName="Description_#url.ID#"; fckEditor.basePath=basePath; fckEditor.ToolbarSet = "Default"; fckEditor.Value = '#getArra.description#' ; fckEditor.height = '300'; fckEditor.create(); </cfscript>
Now with new version of ckeditor it's not working and I am not sure how to accomplish this. I think I saw some code somewhere where you can create ckeditor text area after the page loads but I can't find it again.
Can someone help me?