Hey all,
simlar to the following post: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17082&hilit=getButton+%27ok%27+.disable, if a the following issue. I define a new dialog,onShow I want to disable the ok button of the dialog, and affter the content is load it should be enabled. That is my code:
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('linkDialog', function(editor){ return { title: 'Link', minWidth: 1085, minHeight: 620, contents :[{ id: 'tab1', label: 'Methoden', elements:[{ type : 'iframe', src : 'index.php?content=./lo_met_mngt/ck_link_method.php&indexTemplateFileName=./ui_main/index_no_nav.tpl.htm', width : '100%', height : '550', onContentLoad: function(){ var iframe = document.getElementById( this._.frameId ); iframeWindow = iframe.contentDocument; alert("Dialog: " + CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent().getButton('ok').isEnabled()); } }] }], onShow: function(){ var button = this.getButton('ok'); button.disable(); alert("Dialog: " + button.isEnabled()); },