I would like the editor to be able to use popup window functionaly from other frameworks. Fx. using the windows from ExtJS ([url]extjs.com[/url]).
I would like the editor to be able to use popup window functionaly from other frameworks. Fx. using the windows from ExtJS ([url]extjs.com[/url]).
Re: Use popup windows from other JavaScript frameworks
I doubt that you can manage to do it easily, as usually other frameworks aren't oriented for rich text editing, so they might not take into account all the subtle details needed to make it work properly in this situation.
On the other hand, you can test the new dialogs: http://www.fckeditor.net/nightly/fckedi ... fault.html
Re: Use popup windows from other JavaScript frameworks
FCKEditor has some nice popups, but if I wan't to integrate FCKEditor into something like ExtJS then I need to be able to use those windows instead.
Re: Use popup windows from other JavaScript frameworks
But you could adjust the skin to match your site, so you don't need to use any other dialog system.
Re: Use popup windows from other JavaScript frameworks
What I see instead is the possibility of having plugins that integrate FCKeditor with other libraries, like ExtJS. I mean, having a specific plugin for ExtJS, for example, that knows about the ExtJS hooks, satisfying all FCKeditor needs at the same time.
We have intentions to have a closer integration with those libraries. Let's see how to properly do that, possibly involving their communities in the ODE too.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Use popup windows from other JavaScript frameworks
I'm certain that this is possible... even without a lot of work for you.
I don't blame FCKEditor for having bad popups. I just want to use the most open API's and integrate them the way that I think is the best way of doing things. I will (probably) never do anything to change the styles of FCKEditor popups... better use what I know and then learn how to use the core editor functionalities from FCKEditor.