I want to be able to use V3 in fx. Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org) by creating all the toolbar buttons and popups myself (Java and SWT) and be able to interact with the JavaScript editor through the Java 1.6 scripting APIs, and calling my Java functions from the editor "body" using events the other way.
So why on earth would I want this?
First of all I want to be able to use the same editor in browsers as well as Rich Client. Furthermore, it would make it possible to have the toolbar buttons have one look in the browser and a native OS dependent look in Rick Client.
Sat, 02/09/2008 - 22:04
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
Could you please direct me to someone that has actually done this -- and which is not just a proof of concept with lots of holes?
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
You should be able to find it using some searchs, but if you know how to embed a web browser and control it then its a quite easy task. On the other hand, if you don't know how to do it, it can be quite hard, but that's something outside the capabilities of FCKeditor.
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
FCKeditor is always a web application, which runs in a browser. So, it is certainly possible to embed it in desktop applications, as long as you are able to embed a browser in that application.
We have never coded with thing, but I've just found this one on the net:
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
I have seen that post too.
Yesterday I searched the forums and found [url]/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4992&p=12571[/url] which looked promising but the link http://valliantster.googlepages.com/home is still just a proof of concept.
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
Currently, Safari on Windows uses WebKit version 523.something, but Adobe AIR still has version 420. Come on, Adobe!
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
You may enjoy this, kevinashworth: http://dev.fckeditor.net/ticket/1886
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
I did enjoy that!
(Not being too familiar with your ticketing system, I couldn't tell for sure if compatibility comes in part from your floating_dialog branch in development, but I think that's the case, and that's a good thing, as popups are problematic in AIR. Yeehaw!)
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
The following is a temporary link with FCKeditor (trunk) with that patch applied:
You can test it with the sample application at _samples/adobeair.
Please add your comments to the ticket, if you find anything wrong there.
Enjoy it!
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
For those just starting with FCKeditor in AIR, there is one thing that still doesn't work in AIR under this latest, very promising release: "Browse Server" for links and images. This is the same old problem, because AIR and popups don't get along. I've been playing around with ways to disable that button so users won't even click on it.
There's a problem with the Link-->Protocol pulldown, too. I'll post that in your ticket.
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
The problem about "<other>" can be worked around by changing that entry in the en.js
Please, keep on testing it. Thanks.
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers
editor.html file add javascript function those u want , and call them from C# end.
yes it is possible to use it with full functionality in desktop application
Re: Use editor in native applications; not just browsers