I'm using CKeditor in a PHP/mysql surrounding to store PHP, mysql,javascript etc snippets...
but when adding the following code to the wysiwyg interface of ckeditor it changes the source.
Original paste:
<?php print "<html><head></head><body>"; print "Help me"; print "</body></html>"; ?>
Re: Use ckeditor as snippet editor
When I have entered the snippet saved it to the database and redisplay it while turning of the ckeditor and view the text area, it displays correctly just like the div.
the source for the textarea is:
When I turn on the ckEditor again and refresh the page, the code in the text area is still the same but it is displayed wrong inside the ckeditor and the source of ckeditor is also wrong. (see my previous post) I therefore conclude that without an appropriate setting, redisplaying code, ckeditors display of text between is totally wrong.
I can't emagine that there is no way to redisplay code correctly within ckeditor. There mus be some setting because I think the authors of CKeditor are smart enough to add some solution for it.
Who picks up the gauntlet??
Re: Use ckeditor as snippet editor
Re: Use ckeditor as snippet editor
You are so wright.
Upgrading was not neccesary though.
I added htmlentities to my textarea and ckeditor wysiwyg interface displays the stuff correctly now.
Many thanx for your reply..
Re: Use ckeditor as snippet editor